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Together We Are Stronger: September is National Recovery Month

national recovery month

This September marks the 30th Anniversary of National Recovery Month, which highlights the achievements of individuals who have rebuilt their lives through recovery from substance use disorders and honors the service providers, like EAC Network, who help make recovery possible.

National Recovery Month Celebrates 30th Anniversary

National Recovery Month is recognized every September in order to educate Americans that substance abuse treatment and mental health services can help people live healthier, more rewarding lives.

Just like American Heart Month and other similar health observances, Recovery Month is a celebration of the strides of those who have suffered with the pains of addiction. The month-long observation was created to reinforce four positive messages:

  • Behavioral health is an important part of overall health
  • Prevention works
  • Treatment is effective
  • People can, and do, recover

Therapist comforting a young man who lost his parents in group therapy during National Recovery Month

Why We Recognize National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month is a vital health observance for three key reasons.

First, its aim is to promote and support those who make recovery in all its forms possible, including those who make contributions, such as:

  • New evidence-based treatments and recovery practices
  • Fostering the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community
  • The dedication of service providers and community members

Secondly, September is the perfect time to highlight the achievements of Americans who have reclaimed their lives through recovery from substance abuse and related disorders. Recovery Month promotes the message that it is possible to stop using addictive substances, like alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs.

Finally, National Recovery Month encourages all Americans to take some individual action to improve the availability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services to those who need it.

Together We Are Stronger

Already, millions of Americans have transformed their lives through recovery. However, many of these remarkable success stories go largely unnoticed. National Recovery Month is a way to celebrate the accomplishments of these anonymous heroes as a group.

Every September for the last 30 years, prevention, treatment, and recovery programs across the country have used Recovery Month as an opportunity to raise awareness by speaking to neighbors, friends, and colleagues about the accomplishments of those in recovery. The idea is that this public dialogue can help foster a greater understanding of substance use disorders.

A support group holds hands during National Recovery Month

‘Join the Voices for Recovery’

The theme of 2019’s National Recovery Month, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We Are Stronger,” emphasizes the need to share resources and build networks across the country to support recovery. It is also a reminder that mental and substance use disorders touch everyone’s lives, and that we all can be part of the solution.

To achieve that goal, Recovery Month highlights inspiring stories of the journey to recovery to help people from all walks of life get on the path to hope, health and personal growth.

Join EAC Network in celebrating recovery this September. Our innovative substance abuse programs, like AEP and TASC, have been helping New Yorkers rebuild their lives for decades. To support recovery efforts for individuals battling addiction, make a donation today.

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