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99 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd. Suite 200, Garden City, NY 11530
+1 (516) 539 0150
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Nassau TASC

Purpose; Nassau TASC

Program Overview

Nassau TASC promotes public safety by integrating the criminal justice and substance abuse treatment systems, diverting individuals from jail or prison, and providing a variety of services that support individuals through their journey of recovery while ensuring offender accountability.


Clients Served Last Year:


Program Contact:

Elba Garcia Marmo
Senior Director

Funding Generously Provided by:

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, and private donations.

Contact Information:

Long Island TASC
William J. Lindsey County Complex
Bldg 804 County Center N
Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 853-5777

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Program Description

The Problem:

Studies have shown there is a definite link between substance abuse and crime. Heroin and opioid abuse have become an alarming problem in communities across New York State and the nation. Last year, 20% of these cases were referred to Nassau TASC for screening and assessment.

Our Solution:

Offer alternatives to incarceration that prevent the unnecessary and expensive incarceration of defendants who have substance use or mental health concerns and who are charged with non-violent offenses.

How We Do it:

Nassau TASC’s aim is to stop cycles of addiction, crime, and incarceration by helping individuals become and remain drug-free, reclaim their lives, reunite with their families, and rebuild their communities.

TASC is a well-developed and proven program model designed to engage persons referred by the justice system, connect them to substance abuse treatment and other services, and collaborate with both the justice system and treatment providers. This is to ensure that appropriate and adequate services are available to empower participants to live up to the hopes they have for themselves and the promises they make to others. TASC case management is distinguished from more typical types of case management because of the level of assertiveness, its focus on long-term positive outcomes, and its continual inter-agency and inter-system communication.

The TASC model comprises four discrete activities:

1) identification of alcohol or drug-involved and/or mentally ill individuals to determine their appropriateness for referral by the criminal justice system into the TASC case management system;

2) assessment of the individual’s behavioral health treatment needs;

3) referral to the appropriate treatment placement; and

4) continuous case management through reporting protocols, urine monitoring, and ancillary requirements to ensure compliance with criminal justice orders and the treatment regimen.

How You Can Help:

To support Nassau TASC with a gift, click here or call (516) 539-0150 x117.


The Outcomes of Nassau TASC

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For the past eleven years, 3,759 individuals have been referred to Nassau TASC for screening and assessment.



More than half of these individuals were determined eligible for services and after approximately 12-18 months of treatment and TASC supervision, 73% of Nassau TASC participants successfully complete the program and continue conducting themselves in a law-abiding manner.

What People Say About Nassau TASC

I have learned many things over the course of the last 13 months. One of the things that I have learned is that I needed to be incarcerated. The way my life was going and the direction I was heading, I needed to be shown that there were consequences to my actions. Without Nassau TASC I would be rotting in a jail cell, not having learned anything about making my life more manageable or anything about how to improve myself once I had paid my debt to society. The Nassau TASC program has helped me immensely and I would hope that it is able to continue helping other people like me in the future. Instead of waiting to be released from prison with a felony on my record, I am now working full time, going back to school to get a degree in Psychology, and am looking forward to becoming an important member of my community. This program really works and I am living proof of that.

Nassau TASC Client

When I first started to use drugs, I never thought I would become the person I eventually did. With every arrest I would swear I would not ever do it again, that this was not me. But every day, the things I was willing to do were getting worse. I was so addicted to the drug that I did not even see reality. Without EAC Network’s Nassau TASC, I can honestly say I do not know where I would be today, let alone the person I would be. It truly saved my life, and I thank God every day for this program. I now have all of my family, friends, support groups, my hope, my dreams and soul. My morals, and my faith are stronger than it ever has been. I never have to wake up sick, trying to find a way to get drugs just to make it through the day. I never have to beg the loved ones in my life to help, support, and trust me again. I have a loving and supportive fiancé who has stuck through all of this with me. I just gave birth to my first son who is now six weeks old. I thought I had discovered what euphoria was when I had first used drugs, but I now know what euphoria really is. I owe everything in my life to Nassau TASC.

Nassau TASC Client

Special Thanks