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How to Celebrate National Volunteer Month

volunteer hands

April not only marks the beginning of spring, but it’s also National Volunteer Month. EAC Network will be taking the next 30 days to recognize the importance of volunteering and also thanking those volunteers who dedicate their time and effort towards worthy causes on Long Island.

If you want to give back to the community and make a difference, there’s no better time than now. The best part is that volunteering not only benefits the community, it also offers personal benefits.

The Benefits of Celebrating National Volunteer Month in your Community

Here are some benefits to keep in mind when deciding how to celebrate National Volunteer Month.

Better your Community

mentor and child sitting on bench with soccer ballOne of the biggest benefits of volunteering is that you’re able to personally make a difference. Whether you help out by becoming mentors for children or delivering food to senior citizens, your time and actions have a huge impact on those in need.

No matter how you choose to give back, every minute of your contribution matters

Personal Growth

Volunteering helps you grow as a person. It’s a social activity that allows everyday people to give back and do their part to help others. Research has found that volunteering offers both physical and mental benefits. Volunteering not only increases happiness levels, but it can also do the following:

  • Combats depression
  • Counteracts the effects of anger, stress, and anxiety
  • Provides a sense of purpose
  • Improves self-confidence and self-esteem

Volunteering teaches valuable skills and truly is a great way to socialize and get to know your neighbors.

Enjoy New Experiences

make a differenceHelping those in need is an experience that opens your eyes to a world outside of your own. As a volunteer, you’ll realize the true importance of simple things, such as food and education.

When you’re surrounded by like-minded people who also want to make a difference, you’ll learn new things and build connections that can last a lifetime.

How You Can Get Involved

EAC network empowers, assists, and cares for people in need throughout Long Island and New York City. As we strive to help as many people as possible, we accept volunteers on a rolling basis.

Enjoy working with children? Our Chance to Advance program is always looking for volunteer mentors. You’ll be matched with a youth in foster care and will serve as a positive role model while introducing them to constructive, positive opportunities.

If you have a soft spot for seniors, consider volunteering for our Meals on Wheels program. We need drivers to deliver healthy meals to seniors who are homebound. We also need volunteers to make in-house visits to seniors for positive socialization.

To become a volunteer, click here.

Special Thanks