Recidivism is a community problem, not just a criminal justice problem. In 2020, 14 percent of those arrested in New York City were later rearrested for committing another crime. This unfortunate cycle jeopardizes the safety and security of the community. To slow (and hopefully stop) the revolving door, EAC Network’s Offender Reentry Program (ORP) provides direct support services that ease an often challenging transition back into the community.
criminal justice
EAC Network experts recently attended the National TASC Conference in Ohio, which brings hundreds of individuals from around the country together to explore the latest advancements and issues in the treatment and recovery of justice-involved individuals with behavioral health needs. EAC Network’s TASC and other behavioral health programs are internationally recognized for the impact they have on people’s lives, and it’s thanks to our very own leadership team we have to thank for that!
05/10/2019 Read more