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I Am an Addict Who Has Been Saved



Callie and her baby.
Callie and her baby.

When I first started to use drugs, I never thought I would become the person I eventually did. I swore I would never do certain things, that I had limits to my use. But with time I stretched those limits and finally, in the end, I did not have any. I was 20 years-old the first time I experienced the “euphoric high” feeling. Like a stereotype, I felt like I had fallen in love for the first time in my life. I loved to feel that way and it slowly progressed to wanting that feeling every single day. I was able to hide my drug use from my friends, family, and anyone else who I loved.

When I was 23, my parents sat me down and asked me to do a drug test. Little did I know, this test would be the first of many in my life to come. I had to come clean to my parents, who luckily were very understanding and proceeded to face my first withdrawal. I got through it and felt like a real person within a week. I felt things I hadn’t felt in years, and shockingly felt good, until I allowed my cravings to overcome the best of me to feel that “euphoria.” I had relapsed within two weeks of being clean. From there on out for the next year, it was a battle with my addiction going back and forth- losing my family and friends one by one throughout the way. I would go through periods of being clean and gain them back, only to eventually fall back into the hole again. One of the biggest problems in my head that I had at that time was, not only being able to get through the cravings, but I was not able to put the words “never again” in my head.

I did not have any legal problems until I was 25. With every arrest I would swear I would not do it again, that this was not me. But every day, the things I was willing to do were getting worse. I was so addicted to the drug that I did not even see reality clearly. I assumed that my parents would be able to help me get out of the hole, that grew deeper every day, but they were not the ones who could help me get out of it. I was incarcerated after many charges, and my parents couldn’t help me anymore. At the time I hated them and was so upset with the fact that they would leave me there. I blamed them. But in reality, it was my fault. With time my head was clearer, and I realized who I had become was not who I wanted to be.

I was one of the very fortunate who was directed by the court to enter EAC Network’s Nassau TASC program. I was put into a long-term inpatient program. I was intimidated at first, but I overcame that feeling and completed the program. I gained back everything I had wanted plus more. Without Nassau TASC, I can honestly say I do not know where I would be today, let alone the person I would be. It truly saved my life, and I thank God everyday for this program. I now have all of my family, friends, support groups, my hope, my dreams, and soul. I never have to wake up sick, trying to find a way to get drugs just to make it through the day. I never have to beg the loved ones in my life to help, support, and trust me again. I have a loving and supportive fiancé who has stuck through all of this with me. We just gave birth to my first son who is now six-weeks-old. I thought I had discovered what euphoria was when I had first used drugs, but now I know what euphoria really is.

Unfortunately, the reality of addiction is scary and affecting way too many individuals, and families, than it should. I was never one to ask for help or to share how I felt, but with my education and learning how to cope with my feelings, I now know how to live clean and be happy without drugs. I owe everything in my life to Nassau TASC and especially to Norman White. I can only hope and pray that everyone can get the help that I received from this program. I am an addict who has been saved.




To learn more about Nassau TASC, click here.


*In order to protect our client’s identity, her name has been changed.

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