Building Bridges Gala
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Overcoming Adversity with NBA Stars


Chris Mullin and Amanda Arcuri
Chris Mullin, Olympic Gold Medalist, and Amanda Arcuri, LCSW, Division Director of New York City Services, EAC Network.

Our Division Director of New York City Services, Amanda Arcuri, LCSW,  recently attended the Samaritan Daytop Foundation Gala where Chris Mullin, former NBA All Star and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Chris Herren, former NBA player, and Eric Hadar, Chairman and CEO of Allied Partners, were honored for their dedication to help others battle addictions through effective and necessary treatment.

Samaritan Daytop Village provides human and health services to over 30,000 people throughout Long Island, New York City, and upstate New York. EAC Network’s Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Rockland TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities) programs, which provide case management for individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders involved in the criminal justice system, often refer clients to Samaritan Daytop Village’s inpatient and outpatient programs.

Mullin and Herren both suffered and overcame addictions. Mullin battled with alcoholism, while Herren almost lost his life due to a heroin overdose. They were able to take back control of their lives thanks to treatment programs.

“EAC Network was honored to be invited by our community partner to the Samaritan Daytop Foundation Gala,” said Amanda Arcuri. “It was a great event at the Tribeca Rooftop where Chris Mullin and Chris Herren spoke passionately about their road to recovery and how important it is for all community members to have access to treatment.”

We are thankful for organizations like Samaritan Daytop Village, which provide necessary treatment and resources for our clients so they have a greater chance for success.

To learn more about our Behavioral Health programs, click here.

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41Cassandra Huneke was the Special Events Coordinator for EAC Network. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a B.A. in English and is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Media Studies at The New School University in New York City.

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