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Check in and Reconnect with Family this Holiday Season

large family posing for a picture

The holidays bring up many fun memories and warm feelings from past or current events. However, they can also stir many emotions for various reasons that can cause stress. For example, we may have strained relationships with loved ones and are anxious about seeing them. Some of us may also be going through tough times and would rather keep to ourselves than try to be festive. However, we need to reevaluate things and take time to check in and reconnect with family and friends.

Why Don’t we Check in and Reconnect with Family More?

Sometimes the reasons why we have grown distant from the ones we love make it seem impossible to recover the relationship(s). We may tell ourselves that too much time has gone by or that we will never forgive them for a past mistake or argument.

Other times a person may remove themselves from your life because they are going through some tough times. For example, things may not be going so well, and they are depressed and distance themselves from you and others. They feel inferior, have no energy, and can get easily irritated, so it is an easy way out to withdraw from everyone. You may try to stay in touch, but eventually, all communication stops.

Forgiveness Allows us to Reconnect

couple hugging

One of the reasons we look forward to the holiday season is because we get to share it with family and friends. However, sometimes that’s the same reason why some of us dread them. It weighs on our minds that we are going to see someone whom we are in a conflict with or should be seeing someone we have unfortunately grown distant from.

There is no better time to reach out or to forgive and forget. It doesn’t matter who makes the first move toward reconciliation. All that matters is that someone realizes the importance of having the other person in their life. That someone cares enough about your well-being to check in on you no matter how much time has passed. The impact of a simple “I’m sorry” can go a long way.

The Importance of Checking in on Others

friends sitting at a table talking

All emotions are amplified during the holidays. Unfortunately, these feelings can include sorrow, loss, isolation, and pain. We need to check in on those that we know are struggling. For those who may be dealing with a loss, mental health issues, or substance abuse, these can be trying and lonely times. Whether it’s been days, months, or years since you’ve spoken, don’t hesitate to reach out if you know someone is in need.

Some people will welcome and appreciate your gesture with open arms, and you will immediately see the impact. Others may be hesitant or reject you initially, but with a gently persistent approach, you may break through.

If you feel someone needs more help than you can provide, encourage them to reach out for professional help or offer to do so. EAC Network has many services and is another option for those in need.




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