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Your Donations Help Us Provide Vital Respite Care Services

respite care

As baby boomers are reaching retirement age, more Americans are in need of caregivers. Already, about 34 million American adults provide unpaid care to someone over the age of 50 each year. To help assist this growing number of compassionate individuals, EAC Network provides in-home respite care services to caregivers who typically bear the physical, emotional and economic demands of caregiving.

The Benefits of In-Home Respite Care

In-home respite care provides much-needed relief to a caregiver who may be helping an aging loved one who is ill, challenged, or requires around-the-clock assistance. The break from daily care responsibilities offers an opportunity for caregivers to take a much-needed break, a welcome change, and many other benefits, too.

What Respite Really Stands For

R: Renewal and Relaxation Time to go for a walk on the beach

E: Energy A chance for caregivers to recharge their batteries

S: Space A break from the responsibilities of caregiving

P: Pleasure Time to go to see a movie or engage in a hobby

I: Identity A chance to focus on personal needs

T: Time Away An opportunity to get away and come back refreshed

E: Engagement A chance to spend time with other friends and family

A young women provides respite care for a caregiver.

EAC Network’s In-Home Respite Care Services

The break that a caregiver receives may be short-term or occur on a week-to-week basis. As part of a variety of services focused on senior citizens, EAC Network supports in-home respite services to Nassau residents who are caring for an elderly relative in their own home.

The Problem

Nassau County has an aging population. About 94 percent of county residents who are 65 or older live at home, where they require family assistance. This trend is causing more local caregivers to become overwhelmed with the day-to-day stress of being responsible to the well-being of a loved one.

Our Solution

To help our community’s most-caring individuals, EAC Network provides compassionate and reliable in-home companions, so caregivers can take care of their own needs knowing their loved ones are in good hands.

EAC Network’s In-Home Respite Services program provides Nassau County families with a trained companion who has been selected by a Registered Nurse to ensure compatibility. Since 1986, our respite care volunteers help to provide friendship, play games and other activities or even prepare a light meal in the absence of a caregiver. To learn more, volunteer or support our mission, please contact us today.

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