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Supervised Visitation Gets New Toys


This year, the Fay J. Lindner Foundation granted $33,600 to our Supervised Visitation programs. One of the challenges our Visit Specialists face is keeping the children who visit with their non-custodial parents every week engaged in the same toys and activities. As a result of Fay J. Lindner’s generosity, both Nassau and Suffolk Supervised Visitation were able to use funds to re-supply their centers with fun new toys and even computers! This will give children of all ages the opportunity to be engaged, have fun, and rebuild familial relationships throughout their supervised visits.

In particular, after a recent visit to the Children’s Museum of the East End, and based on recent recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics on screen time for children, Suffolk SV Program Director, Anne Caplan, was inspired to assist families visiting the program to have fun by both playing and learning!  Play is important for children to be creative while developing their imaginations, assists with healthy brain development, and engages and interacts children with the world around them.  Items were subsequently purchased that encourage children to use their imaginations, as well as assist in developing their social, emotional, language, and cognitive skills.

Please take a look at the new items at our Supervised Visitation locations in the Fay J. Lindner Foundation Learning & Activities Areas. Thanks, Fay J. Lindner Foundation!


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Cassandra HunekeCassandra Huneke was the Special Events Coordinator for EAC Network. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a B.A. in English and is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Media Studies at The New School University in New York City.

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