We all have a chance to start the new year right, and many of us do that with a new year’s resolution. It’s the time to start your new diet, to buy a gym membership, or maybe to read a few more books. Those are all admirable resolutions, and there is no wrong way to make a positive change in your life. But today, as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we think about the wisdom he shared and the actions he took to create meaningful change.
While speaking in Montgomery, Alabama in 1957, Dr. King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others?” It’s a hard question. On a day-to-day basis, what are we doing for others? Do we help someone cross the street? Do we assist a colleague at work? Do we take time to volunteer? Do we donate goods or funds as much as we can? It’s not that we don’t want to—life is just so busy that we forget, or perhaps we think we don’t have the time.
This year, let’s all resolve to help others. Here are a few ways you can give back with EAC Network!
- Deliver meals to homebound seniors.
Meals on Wheels fights hunger by providing nutritious meals and supportive services that make it possible for seniors to maintain independence in their homes. You can make a difference by helping to feed seniors right here in Nassau County. Meals on Wheels is also in need of volunteers to provide friendly visits. Most homebound seniors are isolated, and just a few hours a month playing cards or hearing their stories means so much to them. Interested? Contact Program Coordinator Missy Wiercinski at (516) 227-8934.
- Mentor at-risk children.
Chance To Advance reduces risk factors for youth in foster care across Long Island by promoting life skills and enrichment through one-on-one mentoring and group activities. Make a huge difference in the life of a young person by becoming a mentor with Chance to Advance. The minimum commitment is only a few hours a month, but the impact is forever. Contact Youth Coordinator Alexandra Newton at (631) 648-2700 x213.
- Make a new friend at our Senior Service Community Centers.
The Senior Community Service Centers provide seniors with a variety of activities such as socialization, recreation, health promotion, educational programs, and congregate meals. You can help by leading the seniors in a simple craft, other activity, or just by socializing. Click here to find a senior center near you.
- Become a Community Partner.
Local businesses who commit to build a for-profit and non-profit alliance with EAC Network can become a Community Partner and gain varying levels of promotion and exposure through EAC Network’s website, digital marketing, and special events, all while supporting our great cause. Contact Development Director Alena Jones at (516) 539-0150 x117.
- Host a drive or a fundraiser.
EAC Network’s programs are always in need of different types of supplies to support our clients in need. Possible collections could include toiletries, diapers, children’s books, non-perishable food, art supplies, school supplies, and more. You can also host a fundraiser of any kind to benefit all of EAC Network’s programs, or a specific program or area of your choosing. It can be as simple as collecting change, having a “dress down day” at your workplace, or even hosting a fun event. Contact Development Director Alena Jones at (516) 539-0150 x117.
- Donate for free with AmazonSmile.
Why use regular old amazon.com when .05% of your purchases can be donated to EAC Network at no cost to you through AmazonSmile? Same products, same prices, same service, but with a purpose. Connect your Amazon account to EAC Network here: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7175609 and use smile.amazon.com for all your future purchases.
On this Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day, we remember his service, his words, and his sacrifice. We remember his vision of what our country could be. Today, think about what you can do to help those struggling in your local community. One small action truly helps make the world a better place.
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Sarah Muller is the Development & Marketing Assistant for EAC Network. She graduated from the University of Vermont with a B.A. in English.