Senior Community Service Centers

“What Are You Doing for Others?”

On a day to day basis, what are we doing for others? Do we take the time to volunteer? Do we donate time, goods, or funds as much as we should? It’s not that we don’t want to—life is just so busy that we forget, or think we don’t have the time.

A geriatrician holds the hand of an elderly woman with arthritis.
What You Need to Know About Dementia

Every year, the Alzheimer’s Society recognizes dementia, its effects, and what we can do about it. Unless dementia has directly affected your life or the life of a loved one, you may not be familiar with the disease. We provide many programs that serve Seniors & the Incapacitated, and so many of our clients are affected by, or working to relieve the pain and frustration of, dementia. Today, in honor of Dementia Awareness Week, we’ll go over what you need to know about dementia.

PSEG Long Island Cares About Local Seniors

Our Senior Centers provide participants with a hot lunch as well as fun activities like Zumba, bingo, board games, karaoke, and crafts. Occasionally, we have generous volunteers who team up with our Senior Centers to host a special craft, which is exactly what a team from PSEG Long Island did recently. PSEG has a long history of community outreach, and we’re always pleased to have their cheerful, supportive volunteers.