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COVID-19 Response Campaign

EAC Network, one of News 12’s recent Hometown Heroes, is on the front lines in responding to our neighbors in need throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Our non-profit agency, which serves 82,000 vulnerable individuals across Long Island and New York City, has been addressing the heightened demand for vital programs and direct support services within our local communities. To meet those needs, we have created a COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND to provide critically needed services and relief to at-risk populations.


From children and youth services to senior and nutrition services, EAC Network serves individuals and families who reside within the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. We help the most vulnerable and underserved New Yorkers who are at the greatest risk of developing a severe illness.

Through this challenging time, EAC Network has remained steadfastly committed to its mission of helping those in need. With the generous support of our network of supporters, community partners, and volunteers, EAC has been able to provide an uninterrupted delivery of services.

Recently, EAC Network’s Meals on Wheels program workers were recognized as heroes for providing essential services to Long Islanders amidst the coronavirus outbreak.

With your help, we will continue to fulfill our mission to Empower, Assist and Care for those in need.

Help Us Help Those Who Need it the Most

Donations to the EAC Network COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND help EAC Network to provide critically needed services and relief at a time when vulnerable populations need us the most.

5 Valuable Services We Provide

  1. Nutritious meals from Meals On Wheels, nutrition services, and vital case management services for vulnerable senior citizens and other high-risk individuals
  2. Adult guardianship services for incapacitated adults who are not able to manage all aspects of daily life on their own
  3. Case coordination services for individuals who suffer from chronic medical conditions
  4. Multi-disciplinary team services for children who have been, or are at risk of being, abused and sexually exploited
  5. Mental health and clinical case management services

At this time, EAC Network remains committed to its core mission, while also adhering to all recommended measures that promote the safety and health of our clients, staff, and community at large. We are actively working with leading agencies and funders to monitor and meet the changing needs of the community.

A man who would benefit from our COVID-19 RESPONSE FUNDSupport Our Response Effort Today

EAC Network relies on the support of our network of donors to address the critical needs of at-risk members of our community. As demand rises for our services, your donations are more vital now than they have ever been before.

Consider making a donation to the EAC Network COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors when it matters the most.

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