EAC Network is the largest Meals on Wheels provider in Nassau County, with a primary focus on the North Shore. We work to help at-risk senior citizens whose diminished mobility makes it difficult for them to food shop, prepare meals or socialize. Our diverse social services agency is dedicated to helping home-bound seniors enjoy independent, fully nourished, dignified lives.
What is Meals on Wheels?
EAC Network’s Meals on Wheels program is one of more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country, which addresses senior isolation and hunger. It provides an invaluable service to a traditionally at-risk populations.
We provide senior citizens with basic assistance, including:
- Nutritious meals
- Companionship
- Health and safety check-ins
How We Achieve our Goals
EAC Network’s Meals on Wheels program strengthens our communities one senior at a time. Our outreach effort is designed to specifically meet the nutritional and social needs of senior citizens.
For those with mobility issues, we bring services right to their door. For those who are able to get out, we also provide nutritious meals in gathering places, such as senior centers and community facilities.
EAC Network provides Food and Friendship to Seniors
Senior citizens often deal with a variety of difficult issues at once. They may experience limited mobility and declining health at a time when money is tight. Issues like these have the potential to jeopardize seniors’ ability to live independently.
The Meals on Wheels program was created to help those seniors who are most in need. It aims to prevent elderly Long Islanders from having to make difficult choices, like skipping meals to pay for medical bills.
Who we Serve
Nassau County is home to nearly 300,000 people who are 60 years old and older. This aging population includes many marginalized seniors who lack basic resources, like food, connections to social services and friendly visitors.
How you can Help
EAC Network is committed to helping senior citizens enjoy healthier, more independent lives. We improve the quality of life of local seniors one house visit at a time.
Meals on Wheels is always looking for volunteers to deliver meals. You can find out more information about the program here. Or, donate today to support EAC Network’s mission of helping local senior citizens live more dignified lives.