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Long Island Parenting Institute Class Registration

Thank you for your interest in registering for a parenting class at EAC Network’s Long Island Parenting Institute (LIPI)!  Parenting is tough and we are here to help!  You can learn more about individual classes as well as register online for a class below.  Don’t see a class that meets your needs?  Give us a call at (631) 648-7100 x217 to discuss!


Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:30pm

5-Week Course (1.5 hours Weekly)

Class location: VIRTUAL

All about the first two years! This fun, interactive class explores techniques to help parents support their children’s development through play, bonding, and attachment skills. Parents will gain a stronger bond with their children as they learn to recognize and respond to their children’s emotional needs. Topics Include: Development, Play, Attachment, Responding to Needs, Guidance, and Safety. Court & CPS approved!

Fee: There is a $300 fee per person with discounts and payment plans available.

Pre-registration by phone, email, or online is required: (631) 648-7100 x217;; online registration below

*Registration closes one week prior to class.

6-week course for parents of children 2-18 years old. Wednesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Class location: VIRTUAL

Explore how to parent with a warm heart and a cool head.  Common Sense Parenting teaches positive discipline skills to increase your child’s positive behavior and decrease their negative behavior. Topics include: praise, correction, prevention, self-control, and more!  Court and CPS approved!

Fee: There is a $300 fee per person with discounts and payment plans available.

Pre-registration by phone, email, or online is required: (631) 648-7100 x217;; online registration below

*Registration closes one week prior to class.

Curso de 6 semanas consecutivas para padres de niños de 2 a 18 años de edad. Jueves de 6:00pm a 8:00pm

Lugar de clase: VIRTUAL (ZOOM)

Explore cómo ser un buen padre con corazón cálido y calma. Common Sense Parenting enseña habilidades de Disciplina Positiva para aumentar el comportamiento positivo de su hijo y disminuir su comportamiento negativo. Los temas incluyen: Elogios, Corrección, Prevención, Autocontrol y más. ¡Aprobado por la corte y CPS!

Tarifa / precio:  $300 por persona con descuentos y planes de pago disponibles.

Se requiere preinscripción por teléfono, correo electrónico o en línea: (631) 954-1454;

*La inscripción cierra una semana antes de la clase.

Saturday from 9:00am-1:00pm.

4-hour course for parents of children 2-16 years old

Class Location: VIRTUAL

This workshop explores child development, setting reasonable expectations, effective consequences, communication, self-control, and more!  Certificate of completion given after successful course completion.

Fee: There is a $150 fee per person.

Pre-registration by phone, email, or online is required: (631) 648-7100 x217;; online registration below

*Registration closes one week prior to class.

Monday from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

2-hour course for parents who are co-parenting with a difficult ex.  Please note that parents take this class WITHOUT their ex.

Class Location: VIRTUAL

This workshop explores strategies to improve child outcomes by reducing parental conflict.  Topics include: communication, parallel vs. cooperative co-parenting styles,  and child perspective taking.

Fee: There is an $80 fee per person.

Pre-registration by phone, email, or online is required: (631) 648-7100 x217;; online registration below

*Registration closes one week prior to class.

Special Thanks