Program Overview
Bronx TASC provides alternative to incarceration opportunities to individuals dealing with substance use disorders.
Clients Served Last Year:
Program Contact:
Yolanda Cardona
Program Director
Funding Generously Provided by:
New York City Council through the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Coordinator, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, and private donations.
Contact Information:
1020 Grand Concourse
North Professional Wing
Bronx, NY 11554
(718) 538-7416

Program Description
The Problem:
Research shows that substance use is a major risk factor that can lead to individuals becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
Our Solution:
Place eligible non-violent offenders with a substance use disorder out of the criminal justice system and into treatment programs.
How We Do it:
Bronx TASC monitors cases for the court and provides case management, treatment and other ancillary services to aid in the recovery of addiction. The hallmark of EAC Network’s approach to case management is our capacity to act as a neutral “boundary spanner” between the court and the community-based treatment service providers.
Our relationships throughout a network of treatment providers permits us to flexibly accommodate those who wish for services in particular areas (for work or family reasons) and those whose care arrangements must accommodate their unique needs (e.g. a domestic violence survivor seeking treatment in a different borough, a deaf client seeking a culturally congruent program, or a client transitioning to a new gender identity).
EAC Network’s case managers employ Motivational Interviewing (MI) and trauma-informed case management in keeping clients engaged in treatment and graduated sanctions are implemented for clients who fail to comply with their treatment recommendation and/or violate the conditions of their plea.
How You Can Help:
Bronx TASC seeks new furniture. To support Bronx TASC with a gift, click here or call (516) 539-0150 x127.
The Outcomes of Bronx TASC
Since 1995 Bronx TASC has been an integral part of the criminal justice system.
The program has placed thousands of clients into substance abuse treatment programs and has historically had felony success rates greater than 70%.

What People Say About Bronx TASC
I just want to say thank you for opening the door for me to get a second chance. I appreciate the hard work and effort you put in me. You saved my life and for that I thank you.
Where do I begin? My name is Maria and I was a client of Bronx TASC for two years. I would like to think I am one of the more “unforgettable” clients due to the roller coaster of a ride I put myself and the office through. Also, my significant other at the time, Jose, made it hard for you to forget me by always fighting for me and my potential.
When I was first accepted to the TASC program, my life was a complete wreck. My addiction to heroin had taken over. The crime that landed me in jail was a direct result of my addiction. Heroin had chained me to its darkness and all the while convinced me that I could not exist without it. Everything came second to the drug. I was no longer the beautiful, smart and caring woman I was before I fell in love with the drug. I was broken, lost, and exhausted. I knew I was capable of so much more in my life and yet I took for granted all the amazing things in my life like my loving family, supportive friends, and the help of you and your staff.
It took me MANY tries, mistakes, horrible choices, and a record 4 or 5 chances with TASC to finally get my life in order.
I just want to thank you with all my heart for NEVER giving up on me! You saw and believed that this girl was so much more than her addiction, even with all the lies and insanity, you STILL gave me chance after chance to discover that for myself. My last shot was a residential stay at Daytop and I am forever grateful for that opportunity. Let me remind you that I still relapsed, multiple times, at Daytop and you STILL kept me in treatment versus sending me straight to jail, which I know I was fully deserving of at that point. I am forever grateful that I was able to stay in treatment.
When I finally completed Daytop, I always said that it may have taken me a lot longer to “get it”, but know that I finally got it. I finally began to feel like the woman I was before I met heroin. I am smart, funny, loving, motivated, beautiful, a good daughter, a good friend, and definitely a far cry from the “criminal” I was labeled as due to my addiction. In Daytop, I finally grew up. I worked on myself and understood that heroin was just a way for me to avoid pain, reality, and try to heal old wounds. I was finally able to address past issues and confront demons on my own, without the drug. Each hurdle I overcame made me feel stronger and each mistake, every bad choice (and there were many) actually helped me grow and mature.
I completed Daytop and so much has changed just one year out of treatment. I am so excited for the New Year to come. In March I will have 2 years clean!!! I am now working in the substance abuse field in a sober living environment and am looking to obtain my CASAC and am well on my way to finally complete my degree. I have had so many amazing opportunities and have worked with some of the best and most recognized people in the field of substance abuse. I have truly been blessed. My relationship with my father is stronger than it has ever been, my little brother can again be proud to call me his sister and, most importantly, my mother sees her daughter thriving every day. My friends and family commend me for overcoming all the obstacles and fighting every day for my sobriety.
Today, I am living life. Even through the ups and downs, I get through it because I never want to go back to where I was when we first met. To Bronx TASC’s Yolanda: your compassion, tough love, and unwavering belief in me have enabled me to live life again. I am truly and wholeheartedly so grateful to you and your team. Yadira and Michelle, both, could have given up on me as well, but never did. You ladies have made a huge impact in my life and I just want to acknowledge you and express my gratitude.
I wish you only the best. I know first-hand how large your hearts are and I thank Bronx TASC again for finding a spot for me in it. I still plan to stop by the office, just to say hi, next time I am close to the area. I just hope that another TASC client is able to take advantage of the amazing opportunity your office offers and takes the experience to better themselves, as I did.
My name is Willie and I am a 56 year-old veteran. I began with Bronx TASC in 2014 and was placed in Samaritan Village’s Ed Thompson Veteran Program. Prior to entering the program, I was homeless and in and out of jail for 20 years. I just completed treatment after 17 months. While in treatment I completed groups on anger management, coping skills, impulsive behavior, and job readiness. I have learned about myself through my individual counseling sessions. For the past two months I have been working at the V.A. hospital in the nourishment department, and have recently been hired permanently. I have been reunited with my son and grandchildren, and I have also mended my relationships with my siblings. I want to thank everyone at Bronx TASC for allowing me to regain control of my life and for being able to become a productive member of society.
I have been working for Bronx TASC since 2000. Prior, I worked in a residential therapeutic community along with several other types of treatment. That being said, I have a clinical background and have gained knowledge of the criminal justice system. I am also a Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC). My role here at Bronx TASC is a Clinical Coordinator/Court Liaison. When we have our first contact with out clients, they are assessed for appropriateness for treatment such as outpatient services, short-term residential treatment, or long-term residential treatment. The clients are with us for a minimum of 12-18 months. While in treatment, they receive number of services relating to their specific needs. Since we are an alternative to incarceration program, when the client successfully completes treatment, their case is either reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor, or sometimes even dismissed. In my years here at Bronx TASC, I have witnessed many of our clients continue to be successful. Several of them stay in touch with their case managers and some even return to the office to continue giving thanks for us helping to change their lives.