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For EAC Network, Turning 50 Only Happens Once in a Lifetime

eac network

Over the past 50 years, EAC Network has been providing a wide range of educational, vocational, criminal justice, intervention, and human service programs that protect children, promote healthy families and communities, help seniors, and empower individuals to take control of their lives. We provide more than 100 human service programs throughout Long Island and greater New York. Our goal is to respond to human needs.

Celebrating Our Golden Anniversary

EAC Network’s success in meeting the critical needs of our region’s most vulnerable and underserved populations over the last half century may be credited to the concerted effort of outstanding leadership and dedication from our professional staff, Board of Directors, sponsors, community partners, and league of community volunteers.

For EAC Network, Our 50th Year Took on a Life of Its Own

While digging deep into our agency’s history, we were reminded of the many people who helped us get to where we are today. We found black and white and sepia-tone photos of our earliest supporters and friends who guided us into new directions. We reconnected with one of EAC Network founders, Diana Freed, who shared her inspiring story of how and why she became EAC Network’s first leader.

As we pieced together the EAC Network timeline, which came together like a puzzle, our humble beginnings reminded us of the reason, purpose, and meaning for becoming our region’s leading human service agency.

The Magical Year of EAC Network’s Founding

In 1969 when Americans first walked on the moon and the New York Mets did the impossible by winning the World Series, four Long Island women, Diana Freed, Joan Boden, Barbara Gross, and Nadine Heyman, were busy launching an entity that would go on to meet our community’s growing unmet needs for the next 50 years and beyond.

EAC Network was built on grit, determination, and dedication. These women had a vision that has grown to more than 100 human service programs implemented throughout Long Island and the greater New York area.

EAC Network staffers join hands together.

50 Years Later Our Commitment Remains Steadfast

Fifty years later, the landscape of our society has changed, but many of the same challenges remain, and EAC Network’s services are still a vital lifeline for those in need.

The challenging path between despair and hope is often fraught with barriers, but with your help our clients can surmount obstacles, achieve successful outcomes, and go on to live successful lives.

We have no choice but to remain steadfast in our commitment to help others face and overcome obstacles to make our society a better place for all. It is who we are and what we do, and we will continue to do so for the next 50 years and beyond.

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