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Resolving Conflicts: Inside the World of Alternative Dispute Resolution with LIDRC

Welcome back to another installment of the “More to Do” podcast from EAC. Courtney Chicvak, Esq. joins hosts Robert Stricoff, Chief External Affairs Officer at EAC Network, and Lisa Mirabile, President and CEO of Vertigo Media Group and EAC Board Member, in this episode. Courtney is essential to a fascinating aspect of EAC’s services. She is the LIDRC’s Program Director for ADR Training and Development. Listen as Courtney describes what it’s like to work with the leading conflict resolution professionals in our community. LIDRC exists to identify alternative and collaborative methods to mutually acceptable resolutions of family problems such as divorce and elder care, as well as community disputes with a neighbor. Find out more about LIDRC and Courtney’s work by listening to the full episode.

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