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Incarcerated Veterans: A Consequence of PTSD

American FLag in front of a Court House

So many of our military veterans were exposed to terrifying and traumatic events when they served our country. Witnessing these incidents can take a tremendous toll on the mind and body. It can ultimately develop into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), debilitating and severely impacting the ability to cope and adapt to life as they once knew it. Unfortunately, PTSD has contributed to many incarcerated veterans.

How Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Contributes to Criminality

A U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs study shows that Veterans with PTSD are 60% more likely to be involved with the justice system than those without it. While it is not suggested that PTSD is a direct cause of incarceration, it still plays a significant role.

For one, their decision-making tends to be more emotional than rational. They also have difficulties concentrating, fitting in, and learning new skills and are more easily angered. These limitations make it challenging to get a job or hold it down. Many also turn to drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms. As many as 1 out of 3 veterans with PTSD also have a substance abuse disorder. Unfortunately, this behavior often leads to poor decision-making, desperate actions, and criminal behaviors.

EAC Network’s Plan to Decrease the Number of Incarcerated Veterans

There are more than 181,500 incarcerated veterans in U.S. prisons and jails. EAC Network recognizes that this is an alarming number and that we must do more to help fix the problem. Our Brooklyn and Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Courts provide trauma-focused services to aid these veterans in their behavioral health recovery. In addition, the court will provide mentors and supervise their treatment and progress while in the program.

What Do the Brooklyn and Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Courts Provide?

Veteran speaking to a counselor

With the help of our trained staff, psychological assessments, and cooperation with community-based programs, we can offer hope. Participants will have access to desperately needed substance abuse, mental health care, housing, and healthcare services.

These services aim to build these individuals back up and provide them with the tools they need to feel empowered on their path forward. Our goal is to have fewer incarcerated veterans by addressing the trauma and PTSD affecting their lives instead of leaving them untreated.

Veterans Have Sacrificed Enough

It is not enough to thank our veterans for their sacrifices and service to our country. The trauma and PTSD that they have gone through are too much for them to bare alone. Our Brooklyn and Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Courts aim to get these individuals the help they need to regain a sense of pride in themselves. It is also an opportunity for the community to benefit from their positive future contributions and show them appreciation and respect for all they have done for us.

To learn more about the Brooklyn or Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Courts or how you can show your support click here.

Special Thanks