Our Special Events Coordinator, Cassandra Huneke, was a guest on LI News Radio’s weekend show Radio Jobline on Saturday, November 12th. She joined the show’s host, Scott Passeser, along with guest Devon Loffreto from kidOYO, a nonprofit organization that teaches youth to code.
The trio discussed social issues facing our community within the confines of their respective organizations.
“We help our community members get back on track with their lives,” said Cassandra. “[EAC Network works] to make sure that our neighbors are bettering themselves and our community.”
Hear part 1 and part 2 of the interview below.
Tune in to Radio Jobline at 103.9fm every Saturday from 2-3pm.
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Cassandra Huneke was the Special Events Coordinator for EAC Network. She graduated from Stony Brook University with a B.A. in English and is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Media Studies at The New School University in New York City.