Growing older is a natural process, but how we live and how we eat can keep us healthy for many years to come. We can control our genetics by living a healthful lifestyle and consuming a diet that is rich in color and nutrient-dense foods. You may ask… what are the keys to longevity?
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Do you scroll through your social media feeds and feel like your friends have fabulous lives? Does it make you feel like you’re inadequate? Read on for tips on how to break that cycle!
With over 7,400 swimming pools and 1,300 public beaches in New York, many people are starting to head to the water for the summer months. However, it’s important that we consider water safety while we’re having our fun in the sun.
More than 18 million American adults, or 7.5 percent of the adult population, are unable to walk a quarter mile or find it very difficult to do so, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and many with mobility issues are seniors. But losing mobility doesn’t mean you should stop living life.
Each February, millions of people come together to celebrate National Cancer Prevention Month to raise awareness about cancer and ways to safeguard health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), prevention is the most cost-effective and sustainable approach for regulating disease.
EAC Network has provided TASC services in New York since 1978, and in 1998 we expanded our alternative to incarceration (ATI) programming to include a diversion program for seriously mentally ill offenders and co-occurring mentally ill and substance using offenders. Our NYC TASC Mental Health Diversion programs employ Clinically Informed Judicial Supervision (CIJS), which considers a person’s assessed risk of re-offending and violence, as well as mental health and substance use or social service needs, to inform judges’ responses…
Under the new tax bill, many itemized deductions were greatly reduced or completely eliminated. The deduction for charitable contributions is still intact, and the limitation increased to 60% of AGI, but with the loss of deductions and the increased standard deduction, many taxpayers will no longer itemize. That could mean a significant decrease in charitable giving.
One summer danger that can be incredibly serious – and potentially deadly – is heatstroke. The elderly must pay closer attention to what their bodies are telling them and take extra precautions when out in the sun, as they are much more likely to develop heatstroke. Here’s a quick primer on heatstroke and how you or your loved one can prevent it.
Angel needed someone. Someone she felt comfortable with, who would take the time to help her express her feelings in her own way. Angel needed a CASA: a caring adult in a child’s life who helps reopen pathways away from darkness. (Trigger warning: suicide)