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Celebrating Our Staff at the Employee Awards


We know that our staff is the backbone of our organization. To show our gratitude, we host employee awards every year to highlight those who go above and beyond. We’ve been celebrating our winners with a breakfast awards ceremonies at various locations.  Take a look at the winners and photos below or in this gallery!

Spirit of EAC Network Award

An employee who cares above and beyond and lends a hand to embody EAC Network’s mission and values.

Winner: Cassandra Greco, Alternatives for Youth program

Rookie of the Year

Most outstanding new employee who joined EAC Network from January 1, 2016 to the present.

Winner: Evan Larsen, Suffolk Transitional Case Management program

Leadership Award

One who communicates a vision consistent with the program’s/agency’s mission and excels at building teams, motivating employees, assessing client’s needs, and managing conflicts.

Winner: Samantha Chukwura, Health Homes Care Coordination program

Employee of the Year

Most outstanding employee.

Winner: Jessica Lardizzone, Nassau Supervised Visitation program

President’s Award

Winner: Alena Jones, Director of Development & Marketing


In addition to the Employee Awards, we also recognized staff members who have been with us for ten years or more. We thank the following people for their years of service:

Ten Years

Nelya Adler, Stoplift and Anger Management Program.

Agnes Cento, Suffolk Supervised Visitation.

Breenzy Fernandez, Stoplift and Anger Management Program.

Jean Pasternak, Stoplift and Anger Management Program.

Moses Quinones, Brooklyn Forensic LINK.

Eric Sunshine, Brooklyn Batterers Intervention Program.

Sharifa Zaban, Finance.

Twenty Years

Angela Brockmann, Safe Start and Teen Driving Equation Program.

Yolanda Cardona-Rey, Bronx TASC.

Guadalupe Cordova-Orue, HEAP & WRAP.

Twenty-Five Years

Elizabeth McDermott, Senior Community Service Centers and HEAP.

Sabrina Melito, Project Support.

Thirty Years

Carol O’Neill, Senior Services.

We are so proud to have such an amazing staff! Congrats to all!

 *     *     *

Sarah Muller is the Development & Marketing Assistant for EAC Network. She graduated from the University of Vermont with a B.A. in English.

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