EAC Network is a not-for-profit social service agency. Among the many ways, we aid our communities is our focus on nutrition and services for seniors. They require and deserve extra assistance, and we have many programs specifically focused on them and their ever-changing needs. From ensuring meals are provided to those who need them to guardianship, in-home respite care, and senior community service centers, we are there to provide for and assist them.
Why Are Nutrition and Services for Seniors Important?

The elderly need to maintain proper nutrition. There is a direct cause and effect regarding your overall health and what you eat, regardless of age. Not only to maintain a healthy body weight but also in helping to prevent certain diseases and health conditions.
For example, good nutrition can help to prevent high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. There are numerous benefits to these healthy eating habits, and EAC acts as an advocate to meet the nutritional needs of as many seniors as possible.
EAC Goes Beyond Physical Health Needs
Although proper health and nutrition are important, mental and emotional health also need to be considered. The additional programs we offer for seniors are designed to help ease some of the burdens and concerns of the elderly members of our community.
Unfortunately, the care requirements can be overwhelming for family and friends. Neglect and isolation can have a detrimental effect on anyone’s health, and it is even more profound for our elders. Our goal is to supplement, support, and advocate for the total well-being of our elderly community.
Programs Offered Through EAC
We offer many helpful and engaging outlets for our seniors, along with their loved ones and caregivers.
- Community Guardianship
- Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly
- Fresh from the Garden
- Meals on Wheels
- Senior Community Services Centers
- Senior Health Promotion
- Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP)
- Surrogate Decision-Making Committee
How You Can Help

If you want to help provide nutrition and services for seniors through EAC, there are three primary ways: volunteering, donations, and donating your time differently.
Volunteering is a popular way to get involved. A few popular volunteering methods are delivering meals, being an at-home companion for a few hours a week, or interning as a volunteer.
If you are interested in donating money, you can feel confident that all donations will be put to the best possible use and are also tax deductible. You can contribute to the EAC as a whole, or you can decide which specific program you would like to support with your generous contribution.
Finally, you can join one of our committees, donate goods and services or host a fundraiser. All methods are welcomed and appreciated.
EAC is stronger and able to do so much more when the communities they serve to get involved and support our efforts to help those in need!